It is not a surprise that we all have a “do not talk to me until I have my coffee” mood every day, am I right? Coffee is known as one of the most drank beverages which are consumed by 65% of people around the world. However, it does not seem like we get addicted at all but we just can’t function without a sip of it. It is undeniably true that coffee is our energy-boosting drink which motivates us to have energy all day. Obviously, as a coffee lover, I am pretty sure that we all can tell the differences between the coffee types and we all have our certain preference taste that is always required when we enter the Coffee Shops. So, have you ever heard of green coffee?
Let me introduce you to a pretty-color coffee bean that comes naturally in green which is called “green coffee”, obviously. It is quite normal that every time we walk into a coffee shop and we always see only the “brown” coffee beans in the grinders. But green coffee? Allow me to walk you through the fun facts about this type of coffee beans and this article will surprise you with everything you need to know about green coffee. It also includes the benefits and the differences between green coffee and brown coffee as well.
What is Green Coffee?

Green coffee beans are actually the raw, unroasted coffee beans which are extracted from the coffee fruits. Green coffee beans are used to make a coffee drink as well but it tastes different and more unique than the normal, roasted coffee. However, green coffee is not seen often at the coffee shops since they prefer bringing the packaged roasted ones.
Green coffee is usually harvested once only per year but in some areas such as Kenya and Columbia, green coffee is harvested twice per year depending on the soil and weather condition. In addition, green coffee is considered as the fresh beans from the plants because those beans will naturally turn brown when they are left outside for long.
Types of Coffee Beans

Green coffee is considered as seed because it is freshly removed from the plants. Then, those green beans will be roasted to produce brown coffee beans which are sold everywhere at the market. Green coffee can be roasted to produce many types of brown coffee beans.
The primary brown coffee types are Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa.
I. Arabica
Arabica is the most favourite type of coffee bean which is quite common and marketed especially in North America. The taste is quite popular among the coffee lovers that they always prefer Arabica. In your cup of coffee, you will experience a sweet, soft taste that will leave you wanting more. This type of roasted coffee bean contains less acid than other types as well.
II. Robusta
Robusta is also one of the most popular coffee types along with Arabica. It is consumed mostly in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Compared to Arabica, Robusta has a heavy and strong taste and high level of caffeine that will keep you awake longer. If you are a fan of strong flavour coffee, Robusta will be your best choice.
III. Liberica
Liberica is not quite popular among coffee lovers because it is one of the rare types of coffee beans. This rare coffee beans give you a unique feeling that you will feel like you are in a forest because of its woody, fruit and floral aroma.
IV. Excelsa
The last type is Excelsa which is the least popular type. It is generally grown in Southeast Asia and consumed within the areas. It gives you a fruit-like taste and can be brewed light or strong coffee as a preference. However, this coffee type does not have big production to supply globally yet.
5 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Coffee
Surprisingly, green coffee is used as a dietary supplement which provides lots of benefits to consumers and a great cup of coffee as well. If you are the one who consumes lots of coffee every day, you may find green coffee more beneficial and healthier than the roasted coffee you are consuming. Here are 5 health benefits that you should switch to green coffee today.
I. Weight Loss

It has been well-known that green coffee does help with weight loss. Even though there is a lack of scientific evidence, green coffee seems to provide a significant result in reducing body fat on the human body.
Green coffee can also be brewed the same way as we brew roasted coffee. However, the taste may not be the same but you still can taste the mild coffee flavor in your cup. Because of this, green coffee is used as one of the ingredients in the dietary supplement as mentioned above. For those people who want to keep their body fit or those who want to put on some weights, green coffee will be the best substitute.
II. Reduces The Risk of Chronic Disease

Green coffee contains Chlorogenic acid which is able to fight chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, and so on. According to a study, 50 people who are suffering from high blood pressure and blood sugar which lead to diabetes and heart disease were agreed to be conducted a study with. They were provided with 400mg of decaffeinated green coffee beans twice per day for eight weeks and the result came out fascinated. Those 50 volunteers were found that their blood pressure and blood sugar seemed to be improved which is clearly proved that green coffee beans do help people with metabolic syndrome effectively.
III. Anti-Aging

As mentioned above, green coffee is rich in antioxidants and used as a dietary supplement. Green coffee is one of the best factors that fight with aging, wrinkles, and skin sagging. People, especially women, generally concerned with their beauty that they take vitamins, collagens, and follow a strict diet.
Green coffee can be your beauty-friend to be added to your daily routine that you will not have to worry about your coffee addiction anymore. It has less caffeine than roasted coffee as well and you still can enjoy it with less worry about your skin. Surprisingly, dermatologists also include green coffee extract in some skincare products as well!
IV. Improve Energy And Mood

Just like normal, roasted coffee, green coffee is an energy-boosting drink that keeps you awake all day long to successfully complete your task. Even though green coffee has less amount of caffeine per serving compared to roasted, brown coffee, it effectively improves your mood, alertness, and productivity to get your work done. Because of its chlorogenic acid, you are able to enjoy your coffee and be healthy at the same.
V. The Best Substitute For Coffee Lovers

I am pretty sure that, as coffee lovers, we cannot go a day without a cup of it. However, most coffee lovers are also aware of the side effects of consuming coffee every day. There is a way to prevent the side effects of roasted coffee by starting to consume green coffee instead.
Obviously, green coffee and roasted coffee are relatively from the same plants. As mentioned above, green coffee has a milder taste and is healthier. Because of its caffeine and chlorogenic acid, this great combination improves mood and brain function, boosting metabolism for weight loss, and fight heart diseases.
The Differences Between Green Coffee And Roasted Coffee

Obviously, green coffee and brewed coffee can be considered as the same type despite their colors and the process of storing and brewing. However, their uniqueness seems to give different benefits. Here are some differences between green coffee and roasted coffee that you can consider.
I. The Taste

Roasted brown coffee is quite popular and can be found everywhere, at the supermarkets, at the coffeeshops, and even at your house. There are plenty of brown coffee types. Some are grained, some come in whole beans, and some come as instant coffee that can be served immediately with hot water. The taste is also similar according to each brand. It is typically bitter, light or strong, and delicate. The smell of brown coffee is from the roasting process or the roasted coffee itself that makes you crave for it.
On the other hand, green coffee has its uniqueness compared to roasted coffee. It obviously tastes like normal coffee, but it is milder, light or strong depends on your preference, and it can be served with or without milk. The taste of these two is different and some coffee lovers can miss the roasted coffee at first but after several servings, they tend to prefer green coffee because it is healthier and milder to drink without any additional ingredients such as milk, sugar, and cream.
II. The Benefits

Both brown and green coffee have similar benefits because they all come from the same trees. However, brown coffee is still more popular. Just like green coffee, brown coffee is served as a mood and energy booster. Both of them have caffeine that improves your productivity and keeps you awake all day long.
If we compare brown coffee to green coffee, green coffee tends to be healthier because it has less acid and less caffeine than brown coffee. In addition, green coffee has antioxidant that helps with anti-aging and boost metabolism as well.
III. The Amount of Caffeine Per Serving

What keeps you awake and productive is Caffeine that can be found in coffee and other energy-boosting drinks. Green coffee only contains 20% caffeine of the amount of roasted coffee that you serve. For example, if your cup of coffee has 100mg of caffeine per serving, then green coffee has only 20mg of caffeine per serving in the same cup of coffee.
If caffeine consumption per day increases, your body will start to show some conditions such as skin aging, insomnia, fast heart-beating, hands and body shaking, and so on. By switching to green coffee, you will still be able to enjoy the caffeine as your daily routine but you will receive health benefits at the same time.
Green coffee and brown coffee are actually the same types. What’s different between the two of them is green coffee is the seed and brown coffee is the roasted seed. You can see brown coffee generally at the coffeeshops and we all start drinking coffee with the roasted type. On the contrary, brown coffee is not really good for your health for a few reasons because of the process of roasting and brewing.
What’s more, green coffee is generally suitable for everyone. Because of its mild taste, those people who cannot drink coffee or who cannot tolerate the amount of caffeine in brown coffee can also try consuming it every day. It has less caffeine and just enough to make you productive and enjoy your day as well.
I am pretty sure that not many people really know about green coffee since it is not consumed and sold everywhere. As a coffee lover, I am delight to introduce you to green coffee that is so much better than roasted coffee that you normally drink. If you are addicted to coffee but want to lose weight, I highly recommend you to start drinking green coffee today. After a few weeks, you will see a significant result on your body when you step on a scale and after months of consumption, you become healthier because it reduces the sugar level in your blood and your heart will always be healthy. Who says caffeine is not good? Well, they haven’t tried green coffee, that’s why!