Welcome to another part of the coffee world. Today we are going to explore single-origin coffees. They have been around the market already. And the world should know more about this unique product. We will explain the terms as well as introducing some 5 easy explanations about this type of coffee. And guide you through the process of getting to know this particular corner of the coffee world a little better.
The Term “Single Origin Coffee”

Actually, single-origin coffee has been around for quite a long time already. However, people do not really grasp the complete meaning of it. Single-origin coffee refers to coffee that comes from the same setting or location. The coffee grows in the same farm, area, or country. However, since many people happen to have different and distinctive definitions for single-origin coffees, it is quite confusing and debatable. Moreover, the barista seldom gives us the full meaning of single-origin, therefore, resulting in this confusion.
On the one hand, some groups of people refer to single-origin coffee as coffee that is collected from the same location or country. For example, Peru or Guatemala coffee is made in the same country. Therefore, it is single-origin coffee because technically it comes from the same country. On the other hand, people regarded single-origin coffees to be more specific than the earlier example. People expected it to be from a single origin, single farm, and single roasters. Nevertheless, there is no right and wrong for now between the two definitions being mentioned. It is mostly up to your preferences.
But if we were to explain single-origin coffees better, then let me introduce you to a better comparison that would give a clear-cut definition. Let’s all compare single-origin coffees with blended coffees.
Blended coffees are as the name suggested. It blended coffee from all over the place in contrast to single-origin coffee which was either made by a single producer or at the same place. The coffee industry usually mixed and blended coffees because that would increase the profits and productivity of the producers.
And that does not gesture to blended coffee as low quality but for single-origin coffee, people are able to trace the unique characteristics of the coffee to the geographic area. Making it a little bit more special.

For instance, the countries below represent their coffee in a different way according to their location and soil.
“Central America: usually has the taste of combination mixture of brown sugar, cocoa, and spice taste that will give you the excitement in coffee
South America: contains both medium and sweet. It seems as if it is balancing the two tastes.
Brazil: Chocolate mixed with some of their traditional Agua Limpa’s spice
Africa: And the exotic aroma, both full and exotic taste to African coffee
Middle East: Sweeter, with fruity undertones in the aftermath taste
Kenya: Bright, juicy, sweet, tart, and tropical
Ethiopia: very natural as if it resembles fruits like berries
Sumatra: has a unique taste to it usually earthy
Indonesia: Smokey and toasted (here are some Best Indonesian Coffees)”
What makes it so popular?
It grows to be popular these days because certain individuals value originality and authenticity. Since single-origin coffees are from a specific setting, specific farm, and one location in general, it can be traced. But what makes single-origin coffee so popular is the direct trade and transparency that it resonates.
It is rare to find roosters who are able to comprehend and represent coffee farmers and where they came from let alone connecting to the coffee farmers/farm. Because coffee shops nowadays are profit-oriented rather than standing for values.
Coffee that has a single origin will allow independent coffee shops or coffee roasters to communicate with them better and represent this part of the coffee industry. This communication will allow both parties to know each other more and it will lead to the subsequent point of transparency.
Consumers somehow would care less about where the origin of the coffee is, right? Yes, people are busy on their own. However, this is a sign that we ought to be more conscious of the products that we support.

Single-origin coffees are a great way to express transparency because unlike blended coffee. This is traceable. Hence, we are able to comprehend where it is from, what environment has it been located in, was the wage suitable, or even how much effort was being put into the work. Isn’t it amazing how you fully understand where this cup of coffee has gone and been through?
Ladies and gentlemen, it is about time we care about something that is being put in front of us. It is so much easier not asking and caring, but supporting farmers whose values are equality and protecting the environment, supposedly are far better.
By knowing the background of the coffee, we are able to comprehend the coffee a little bit more clearly and support the values that particular regions/farm/origin stands for. Isn’t it cool if the coffee which you are drinking is allocating their revenue partially to solar power in their region the same way you do?
What is the taste of a single origin coffee?
Coffees are different from each other. There are unique characteristics that separate each of them apart. For single-origin coffee, they are the same in that manner. Although single-origin coffee is a specialty coffee, each brand of single-origin is different from one another. Nonetheless, there are certain traits that are common in single-origin coffee.

One of the outstanding traits of origin coffee is that it is adventurous and imaginative. All baristas would definitely tell you about this fact. For the reason that single origins could be from anywhere, so the culture of coffee processing methods must be different from one another. So the taste of the coffee will be different. This is why professionals and explorative coffee drinkers love single-origin coffees.
As for the flavors, single-origin is bold and exotic. If we were to compare it to blended coffees, blends tend to be more soft and well-rounded. It is easy to be paired up with other elements like fruit or beverages. Coffee blends still give the caffeine and the slight aroma that you need in a regular cup of coffee but it is subtle at the same time.
As for single origins, they are BOLD. You cannot hide their flavor. Upon drinking it, you will experience the sharpness of the aroma, robust taste, and uniqueness that sometimes is universally unaccepted. In general, single origins lack consistency. But this is the feature that makes single-origin coffee adventurous and fun.
And for cafes, these different variations will do them a wonderful job. Certain customers love to stick with the same menu, but others would love to explore and take the time to appreciate the coffee and the coffee beans. Therefore, by having single-origin coffee, the taste is going to be different every time or every season. The year-round would be full of surprises. And a certain group of customers would love this adventure. Moreover, it is fantastic for coffee shops to have unique and new tastes in-store for special occasions such as Christmas, Halloween, or Spring celebrations! It would alleviate your shop to a new and fun experience.

I mean there are varieties of coffee out there in the market waiting to go home with you. It would take a while for you to find the right taste or be accustomed to a specific coffee bean. The same theory applies to single-origin coffee. No two coffees will be the same. Although single-origin coffees are referred to as higher quality, it does not necessarily mean that you will like the taste of them. Likewise, you need to take your time to explore what goes well for you. Otherwise, you can check coffee reviews about the brand. It is totally easy to find reliable information about single-origin coffee.
Single Origin Coffee in Espresso?
To be honest, single-origin coffees must be tasted on their own. Due to its purity and authenticity, the taste is indescribable compared with other coffees. Many people believe that single-origin coffee is a micro lot coffee because it is specifically grown in a region and, at certain times, hand-picked by specialty. Therefore, the taste and the quality are unique and higher in quality somehow as it is a specific lot of coffee.

Espresso is slightly different from other coffee. And espresso is not recommended to be made from single-origin coffee beans at all. Espresso is a type of coffee that is famously strong. They must be under constant pressure and power in order to obtain that black liquid. Due to the conditions and preparations, coffee beans are ground carefully and could demand more power to make coffee. Subsequently, espresso is strong and dominant in flavor. In order to get a good cup of coffee, you will need to balance the espresso in order to get an interesting cup of beverage.
On the contrary, single-origin coffees are made already stabilized and balanced. Their taste is strong but it is stabilized and not well-rounded for espresso. It is to be consumed on its own and overall not a great substitute for espresso.
Moreover, single-origin coffee, they are not popularly used to make espresso for the reason that they are calm and more stable. Single coffee origin is mostly made into filter coffee. Because the drinkers can experience the authentic taste of the coffee. With filters, customers can taste the brew more beautifully. Furthermore, you can find coffee filters reusable or not almost everywhere in the market. Read over here to find out more about coffee filters and what it does to coffee.
The technique is subtle and suitable to drink a tasty cup of coffee from a specific region. And after filtering, you can also use single-origin coffee beans to make a cold brew, Americano, or other light coffee drink in order to comprehend the purity of the coffee.
For espresso, it is more recommended to make with blended coffee because the flavors of blended coffee are like riding on a rollercoaster as we know that it is strong. It is everywhere which is a fantastic thing for espresso. You need a flavor that blossoms at every taste and later can be stabilized by other beverages–preferably milk– so that it would balance between the strong and brutally tasty espresso. But if you can turn single-origin coffee into an espresso, that would be great!
How can you know it is single origin coffee?

The easiest way of determining whether it is single-origin coffee is by looking at the package. The package will contain some key information that you will need in order to distinguish them. There will be the location (where it was grown), what else of coffee was grown at that location, the processing methods, tastes, and producer name.
You can find all of this information on the labels of the brand. Otherwise, you also notice the name of the brand. When you stumbled upon one of the best Brazilian Coffee, you will be able to understand that it is of a single origin. Because certain regions like Brazil or Costa Rica do not import micro-lots instead they grow their own.
By noticing the name of the brand, it will allow you to understand that it belongs to a specific region or farm. If you are skeptical, you can always check the internet or ask your roasters about it.
Another best way to get to know single-origin coffees for beginners is to buy a cup of single-origin in a cafe. The baristas will recommend you to a cup of adventure and you can build your trip accordingly. At the end of the day, you will gain two things: first, knowing the brand which you aim to do and, secondly, making your own coffee review about your first cup of single-origin coffee.
You have reached the end of the passage. I hope that you have found some useful information that will guide you through this adventurous part of the coffee world. Do not hesitate to try more and explore until you find your best brand of single origin. Even though you found them, don’t limit yourself to a single brand. Single origins are made for us to try, be dangerous, and be our Indiana Jones in the coffee world. Of course, single-origin coffee may be higher in price because of the efforts being put into it. It does not necessarily mean blended coffee is cheap and low quality. I believe the taste of your coffee is up to your decision, which coffee is better in your opinion and tastes better for yourself (the price does not tell the quality).
- Single Origin: What Does It Mean? | Apex Coffee
- Here’s Why Single Origin Coffee Is More Expensive But Worth Your Dollars | Forbes
- Everything You Need to Know About Single Origin Coffees | Perfectly Daily Grind
Check out: Single Origin Coffee: a Beginner’s Guide By Seven Miles Coffee Roasters