There are plenty of people who consume that drinking too many fizzy drinks are not good for one’s health. Furthermore, there has been a large change towards sugar-free versions of the regular ones. It is because many science studies reported too much sugar is bad for one. There is not less research that has shown that those who drink many fizzy drinks weigh more than those who do not. Additionally, if there are too many calories in your body, you might face a large percent of contracting heart disease. Therefore, if too much sugar is not good for one and coffee is good for one, how can we reduce sugar intake for our coffee consumption?
What’s more, high levels of sugar intake can cause a sugar rush that can make you feel good for a short time and it is always quickly followed by a low which is worse than the high. In contrast, coffee is one of the most consumed drinks which has been proved it is surely good for one. That’s why we are here to show you 7 effective ways to reduce the sugar intake of your coffee add to your favorite coffee without losing a delicious taste.
The Benefits of Reducing Sugar
Have you ever noticed? Reducing or cutting out on sugar probably help human to lose weight. Moreover, if you like to have a bright shiny, and healthy white tooth, you should reduce sugar. With that said, naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth comes from sugar. As soon as sugar from drink ends up on the surface of the tooth, the bacteria have the energy to grow due to the existence of sugar.
The Advantages of Drinking Coffee with Less Sugar
Likewise, there are also a lot of advantages to drinking coffee. Especially, drink a less sugar one. That’s mean that a cup of coffee contains a lot of caffeine. Caffeine in coffee can improves one memory, mood, energy levels as well as assist to burn fat. There also previous studies have reported caffeine can reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Enjoy Drinking Coffee with a Little Bit of Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
It comes as a wonderful method for those who love chocolate as much as coffee. Cocoa is loaded with both antioxidants and associated with all sorts of health benefits, like cutting down the risk of heart disease. Top A little bit of unsweetened powder shaken on a flat white is sufficient to take a strong and slightly bitter coffee to a whole new level. On the other hand, you can try adding a dash of cocoa powder to your coffee for some extra flavor.

On the flips side, you can directly order a cup of Caffè mocha that is available in plenty of both coffee stores and coffee booths. Even though Caffè mocha is a chocolate-flavored version of caffè latte, Caffè mocha tends to look sugar-sweetened when added additional sugar. As a result, you can ask the barista not to add extra sugar to your beverage. Despite that, if you find that Caffè mocha is so sweet to you, maybe you can have a try on making your own at home. So, you can skip the added sugar and balance your acceptable sweetened.
Milk Choice Adjustment
Have you ever noticed that different kinds of milk can affect the sweetness of your coffee in different ways, even you add any sweetener in advance? For instance, both skinny milks and low-fat milks often contain added sweeteners or sugars to make up for the lack of fat content. However, Hemp milk doesn’t have any psychoactive effects and it is made from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Consequently, hemp milk provides more healthy fats and protein than other kinds of milk. You can have a try with this kind of milk to help reduce the sugar intake in your coffee.

In terms of not allergic to nuts, according to Dr. Oz, almond milk is the healthiest milk option to combine with your cup of favorite coffee. Not like the whole milk which can cause your cup of coffee to contain 180 calories. In contrast, almond milk can keep your favorite coffee under 100 calories per serving. Consequently, why not consider switching whole cow milk out for almond milk. Besides that, either soy milk or rice milk could bring the depth of flavor that you might not taste before. As they have higher protein and nutritionally closer to cow’s milk. At the same time, coconuts are a source of healthy MCTs so drinking coconut milk probably boosts good cholesterol. As coconut milk has a light and tropical flavor with safe dairy-free milk, mix with your coffee to a healthy drink with sugarless.
Try Drinking Black Coffee
Drinking black coffee is a good choice to lose weight even it might sound daunting to you at first. Yet the result is so effective. Looking to cutting calories and keeping coffee as healthy as possible, why not order a regular brew without added additional ingredients. Of course, black coffee might be bitter, yet the more you try the faster you get used to it. Never think that it is a nonsense thing to drink black coffee, keep in mind that black coffee contains zero calories with perfect taste. As a coffee lover, if you have trouble with losing weight, trust me drinking black coffee can help you solve that problem.

What’s more, slowly wean off adding spoonfuls of sugar and additions cream to your coffee till you’re used to the flavor of black coffee. It is not so difficult. Sober said that putting a little less in each time you make coffee, will not be as much of a drastic difference. Also, give your taste buds a little time to adapt, then it will not seem so bitter. Additionally, black coffee like espresso contains calories smaller than 10 per 8-ounce cup. Hence, let’s try reduce sugar intake in your coffee by drinking black coffee together to achieve a good weight loss result.
Add Honey to Your Coffee
Generally, honey has more calories than normal sugar. With that said, a teaspoon of honey has approximately 21 calories, whereas 1 of white sugar has about 16 calories. Hence, sugars in honey taste sweeter than those in original white sugar, therefore you might use less honey than sugar when sweetening your coffee. That is the effective way to reduce sugar intake for your coffee if you’re only concerned with health. Sugars in honey are easier to process, and it provides you with other important nutrients. As honey is less processed than white sugar and contains important nutrients that benefit your health. Honey comes as the best coffee sweetener in terms of concern about your health.

Raw honey as well as pure maple syrup contains antioxidants and prebiotic compounds which nourish one healthy gut bacterium. It also offers vitamin E, vitamin C, and minerals. Hence, to reduce sugar intake in your coffee by adding honey, you should add 1.5-2 small teaspoons of raw honey if you usually add 2 teaspoons of white sugar to your favorite coffee.
Sweetener Limitation
Sugary syrups and sweetened creamers may quickly make your added sugars increase. The added sugar refers to sugar added during preparation. According to American Heart Association (AHA), sugars are found naturally in foods like fruit (fructose and glucose) as well as milk (lactose). So, women owe to limit their added sugar intake to no more than 25 grams per day. And men should limit their added sugar intake to no more than 36 grams per day. If we add more than the recommend amount very often, it might lead to either weight gain or worse. Which can cause heart health risks.

To reduce the sugar intake based on Hageman, there are some simple techniques. By just add flavors to a cup of coffee without additional calories such as using vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, dried lavender, and peppermint extract. If you often purchase coffee from a coffee store, make sure to check how many grams of sugar are in. Remember that when you need a little flavor, ask for only one pump of syrup instead of the numerous pumps that are normally added. You might get a lot of calories with low nutrient density every day because of your daily coffee. Therefore, for those who often drink coffee, it is essential to evaluate how many calories are in your drinking coffee.
Sweetener Your Coffee by Adding Vanilla essence
So as to sweeten your favorite coffee, vanilla essence comes as wonderful natural sweeteners, instead of using normal sugar. Vanilla essence is not just an ingredient for baking usage. Yet, it can provide your coffee having a strong vanilla flavor by just adding 1/4 teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract per cup of coffee. Thus, you will definitely enjoy its aroma and tasty flavor with just a few drops of vanilla extract.

It is super convenient to add a teaspoon of vanilla essence to your favorite coffee for a little added sweetness and flavor. Also, if you wish to have coffee beans that taste like vanilla, you can try scraping a vanilla pod into your coffee beans. After that let them stay overnight. Then, in the morning while you roast them, a delicious vanilla flavored coffee will appear in front of you immediately.
A Scoop of Ice Cream Instead of Sugar
With a scoop of ice cream over the top of your cup of coffee, you will still gain an acceptable sweet coffee instead of adding sugar. This kind of coffee is called “affogato”. To make the affogato, you just put in 1 to 2 tablespoons of your favorite ice cream into a hot cup of coffee. Consequently, the ice cream will directly melt hot coffee for adding creaminess and sweetness. Furthermore, for those who enjoy a mocha flavor, they can add chocolate flavor ice cream with an espresso.

Note that when creating affogato using the right espresso to ice cream ratio is so essential. With that said, use approximately 1 ounce of espresso for every scoop of ice cream. The espresso should fill the cup but it should not cover ice cream entirely. Remember do not to stir before serving. But remember the ice cream over your coffee might not be the healthiest method to make your coffee sweet. Still you are going to deserve an acceptable sweet and tasty cup of coffee in a while.
After going through the description above, it is super easy to reduce the sugar intake of your coffee, isn’t it? With just choose 2 or 3 methods to follow among those 7 effective ways above. I ensure that you will be no more worried about a sugar rush anymore. Even the calories in your daily cup of coffee can quickly add up because of too much sugar added. The above 7 simple hacks can make your daily coffee a little bit healthier along with good taste and have an effective result.
Therefore, why hesitate? Let’s try adding to your coffee with those ingredients. Try one of these 7 effective ways once each day till the end. Then decide how many methods fit you the best. Leave your comment below, if you still have any doubt or prefer to sharing your reduced sugar intake experience. We are looking forward to hearing unexpected ideas from you.
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- How to wean yourself off sugar in coffee and tea| coach nine |Stuart Marsh
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- 8 ways to make your coffee super healthy| healthline |Kris Gunnars
- Can You Add Honey as a Sweetener to Coffee?| Driftaway |Scott
- Affogato Recipe: Coffee and Ice Cream|
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- The 7 Healthiest Milk| Healthline | Anne Danahy