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7 Surprising Benefits Coffee Essential Oil Can Do For You

7 Surprising Benefits Coffee Essential Oil Can Do For You

The origin of coffee essential oil comes from a long time ago, however, the benefits of coffee stay throughout time. Usually, people enjoy coffee for the energizing effect and refreshment, especially in the morning. But coffee was proven to draw more advantages than just being a wonderful scent and refreshment. Additionally, it was recognized as one of the main benefactors to health and skin. 

There are a number of vitamins that could alleviate your well-being. For instance, coffee is a well-known source of antidepressants, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. And these effects can be discovered inside the coffee essential oil. 

The oils that are extracted from regular coffee beans will create a solution of coffee essential oil. The coffee essential oil has the same effect as in coffee. And it can be used for everyday purposes ranging from using as supplements to external usage. 

Thereby, it is good news, that you don’t have to drink coffee every day to get the healthy ingredients, coffee oil can be a great replacement for you. Coffee essential oil is friendly and could bring more advantages if you are willing to give it a try starting with cosmetics or massages. In this article, I am going to inform you of 7 amazing benefits that coffee essential oil can do for you. Some of them might be surprising while so many of them are famously known already. 


1. Essential Supply of Antioxidants 

1. Essential Supply of Antioxidants 

First of all, a coffee essential oil can be supplementary to your food and drinks. The important aspect that everyone should know about coffee essential oil is how enriched antioxidants are presented inside. Because of these antioxidants, coffee essential oils can actually help and prevent so many internal diseases and health problems from occurring in the future. 

Primarily, coffee beans are the main source of dietary antioxidants that can be found in no other foods. It carries some of the most powerful elements which include polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids that could prevent chronic diseases and stress. And these primary sources of antioxidants will minimize free radical damage that affects our health. 

1. Essential Supply of Antioxidants  - 2

If you are wondering what free radicals are, it is a bunch of unpaired electrons that negatively affect the skin cells in our body. And the role of antioxidants will emit electrons to complete and disarm the irritation from those instabilities. Combating these stresses will limit future risks of chronic disease and alleviate further stress from your liver. 

Throughout this article, you will read countless mentions of the word “antioxidants”. For you are about to understand what are some more of the benefits that this property will have in store. Not only does it contains most of the antioxidants to relieve the stress and damages caused due to oxidation. But also care for your externals as well. 

2. Coffee Essential Oils for Skin Care

I know that some of our male viewers might skip this part. But, hey, skincare is not only for women, skincare is for all. It is crucial for us to be taking care of our skin. And incorporating coffee oil could be something new that you can add to your routine. 

As earlier mentioned, the coffee essential oil is comprised of antioxidants. Moreover, it contains some other anti-inflammatory properties as well. These are gracious for your routine for it rejuvenates, hydrate, and calm the skin. I believe these are the main properties that are sought especially if you have a skin condition such as eczema.

2. Coffee Essential Oils for Skin Care

Moreover, coffee essential oil contains acids called Linoleic and flavonoids. Which will not only add moisture to the skin but also repair and detoxify the overall appearance. It will increase the rate of skin reproduction and regenerate the growth of skin cells. Overall, it will improve your skin complexion making it smooth, glowing, and hydrated. You can use coffee essential oil to pair with other cosmetic products to amplify the result of your skin. 

Secondly, you can use this oil to mix with other carrier oil to massage your skin or massage your muscles. Not only can you relax your muscle tension. But also these essential oils will sink into the skin and rejuvenate your skin barrier after a long day of work and exhaustion. 

3. Coffee Essential Oils for Deodorizing 

The smell of coffee alone is enough to make some coffee lovers go crazy. The lovely scent and reviving aroma of that freshly brewed coffee can be so wonderful to most of us. Many people could admit right away that the smell of coffee is divine. 

But this is a perfect opportunity for us to make use of this scent. We can use this perfect scent as a diffuser to relieve some unpleasant smells around our house or our offices. Sometimes, our house or our living space does not always smell like roses or lilies all the time. There are certain occasions in which cooking could be a bit messy and trash could be stinkier than usual. Therefore, the coffee essential oil can help with cleaning that nasty odor out. 

3. Coffee Essential Oils for Deodorizing 

Coffee essential oil does a remarkable job in freshening up the smell and returning the living space into a cozy home. All you would need to do is diffuse a few drops of coffee essential oil and let it sit for a few minutes or hours depending on how strong the scent is. 

Moreover, you can get creative with coffee essential oil as well. You can diffuse the oil with your other favorite essential oils such as lavender or peppermint oil to get rid of the unwanted odor faster. Otherwise, you can pair coffee oil with cinnamon. You can try using 3 drops of cinnamon and 6-7 drops of coffee oil together. 

4. Coffee Essential Oils for Anti-Aging 

Likewise, coffee essential oil like coffee itself also contains some of the richest antioxidants and essential vitamins. Besides having moisturizing elements to refresh your skin, coffee essential oils provide protection as well. As you may have known, the key to anti-aging does not rely on water essence, moisturizers, or eye cream only. Yet, it depends heavily on UV protection too. Even if you spend thousands of dollars on skincare products without sunscreen or other skin-protection features, eventually your skin will still become harmed.

After you’ve shielded your skin from the sun, you are putting up a barrier against future anti-aging treatments. The topical application of coffee essential oil can protect your skin from sun damage caused by UVA and UVB rays. Moreover, extreme UVA and UVB rays can damage the DNA in your skin and cause various types of issues.

4. Coffee Essential Oils for Anti-Aging 

Likewise, coffee essential oils provide a protection basis and anti-aging elements. However, as is typically the case with skincare, you must apply sunscreen after using nourishing essential oils.

Moreover, other essential properties in coffee beans oil will enhance skin appearance and strengthen our skin barrier. With all of the antioxidants and caffeine present in coffee essential oil, these elements will lead to reduce stress on the skin and actively increase blood flow. This stimulation will result in a rise in collagen production which can see a subsequent decrease in wrinkles and fine lines or even pimple blemishes.

5. Body Scrub Made of Coffee Essential Oils

This is good news for one of the advantages that coffee essential oils can do for us including being an organic skin scrub. It is important to exfoliate our skin properly. However, if used improperly and with the wrong ingredients, the external exfoliator could cause subsequent skin irritation and strip off the skin layers. 

Coffee essential oils, as mentioned, are embedded with antioxidants properties and acids that would rejuvenate and moisturize the skin. Therefore, it would not completely tear-off or dry the skin only to exfoliate the dead skin cells and relieve the glowy and healthy skin. Some people claimed that exfoliating coffee scrub tremendously helps their skin during the dry and winter time. Because it does have a tiny portion of caffeine left along with those nourishing elements. 

5. Body Scrub Made of Coffee Essential Oils

There is a formula to mix this organic coffee scrub as well. All you would need is: 

  • 1 cup organic sugar
  • 1/2 cup olive oil or coconut oil
  • 2 drops patchouli essential oil
  • 3 drops of orange essential oil
  • 5 drops of coffee essential oil

Some other times, you can alter it by replacing some of the essential oils listed with your favorite ones such as jojoba oil or rosemary. Afterward, you can apply this mixture onto your wet skin during a shower while rinsing it off after a few minutes of exfoliation. I believe that this exfoliation can be an alternative to the sugar scrub. And you can be creative as you added other essential oils as well. 

6. Lip Masks from Coffee Essential Oil Blends 

Coffee essential oils for lip masks? Yes, it is possible as a matter of fact it is indeed nourishing as well. We all need to apply a generous amount of chapstick or lip balm during the dry winter months to keep our lips from becoming too chapped or painful.

However, applying lip balm could be challenging as well because one tends to lick their lips, therefore, making them even drier. Otherwise, you would have to reapply throughout the rest of the day. This convention application could be tiring and ineffective at the end of the day because the application kept getting wiped off. 

Another technique that we can use to nourish our lips is a lip mask. Inspired by the Korean lip masks method, you can create your own lip mask with coffee essential oil. You can use this lip mask from the time you go to bed until you get up in the morning. After waking up, you can notice how well plumped and moisturizing the lips could be. 

6. Lip Masks from Coffee Essential Oil Blends 

Now, you can get creative with this coffee essential oil lip mask as well. You can incorporate DIY products or other organic ingredients around the house. However, the ideal recipe would be as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon organic honey
  • 1 drop of coffee essential oil

Mix all of these ingredients together, then you will be able to get yourself a little puddle of the organic and delicious aroma of coffee essential oil. 

7. Coffee Essential Oil for Hair Care

Coffee beans oil is also known for its best effect to support healthy hair. It promotes hair growth and voluminous hair. Earlier, we talked about how rich coffee beans oil has in terms of antioxidants. But another factor this essential oil also has is anti-inflammatory properties. 

One possible reason why hair loss could occur is due to the inflammation caused by follicle blockage during the hair premature stage. The lack of nutrition and support had inflamed the follicle areas. This essential oil, unlike other types of essential oils out there, contains most of the anti-inflammatory properties known as kahweol which is effective in decreasing inflammation. Using the coffee essential oil, will address those inflamed roots and produce hair growth. 

7. Coffee Essential Oil for Hair Care

Moreover, this caffeinated essential oil contains an effective topical painkiller that stimulates blood flow to the area where the oil is applied. Once the blood reaches the area, it will relieve some of the inflammation right away as well as draw nutrition to fill the spot. 

You can use coffee essential oil as a hair mask as well before you’re showering session. You can leave the oil in your hair for about one hour before rinsing it out. Furthermore, it is completely optional if you would like to incorporate the use of other essential oils or hair mask products into your routine. 

Additionally, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the coffee essential oil is recognized as one of the best homeopathic remedies to relieve pain and muscle ache. And since it contains a potent topical analgesic as mentioned earlier, the rate of pain will go away faster. Not only do people claim their arthritis is better over time. But headaches, migraines, and gastrointestinal distress also become better as well. 


A coffee essential oil should be a part of your daily routine because of the health benefits it can provide. Besides what had been listed above, there are more functions that coffee essential oils can do including stress relief and aromatherapy. 

It is amazing how our everyday cup of coffee extracted into a few drops of essential oils can benefit our health so much. Therefore, you should give it a try in your everyday routine. You can start by simply adding a few droplets to your air diffusers and letting that rich and warm aroma fly around the house. Then, try adding a few more to your lotion and cosmetic products to highlight their working benefits to your skin. Finally, it is great as an antioxidant agent for your body as well. 


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